1937 | Born at Pyunganbukdo, Sinuiju |
1962 | Graduated with a BFA from the National University of Seoul |
1968 | Studied print in Tokyo Art University (Ueno) |
1977 | Studied in Pratt University graphic center |
Solo Exhibitions
2024 | Kim Chong Hak: People Are Flowers, Hyundai Hwarang, Seoul, Korea |
2022 | Winter, Gallery2, Seoul, Korea Autumm, Gallery2, Jeju, Korea Summer, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea Spring, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea |
2020 | Portraits, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea Kim Chong Hak-Highlighting Contemporary Artist lll, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea |
2019 | Vitality, Perrotin Gallery, Paris, France Art basel Hongkong, Johyun Gallery, Hongkong, China |
2018 | Pandemonium, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea Carte blanche à Kim Chong Hak, Musée Guimet, Paris, France Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan |
2016 | Vital Resonance, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea |
2015 | Winter Solitude, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea A Key to Creation Exhibition, SeMA Nam Seoul Living Art Museum, Seoul, Korea |
2013 | Gallery Hyundai, Seoul 2012 Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea Gallery Yeh, Seoul, Korea |
2011 | Retrospective exhibition, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea |
2008 | Gallery Yeh, Seoul, Korea |
2007 | Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea |
2006 | Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea |
2004 | Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea |
2003 | Gallery Yeh, Seoul, Korea |
2002 | Exhibition for Lee In Sung Art Prize Winner, Daegu Culture & Arts Center, Daegu, Korea |
2001 | Parkryusook Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1999 | Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea |
1998 | Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea |
1994 | Sampoong Financial Plaza Gallery, Seoul, Korea Sampoong Gallery, Seoul, Korea Parkryusook Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1992 | Parkryusook Gallery, Seoul, Korea Gallery Yeh, Seoul, Korea Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea |
1990 | Sun Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1988 | Parkryusook Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1987 | Sun Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1985 | Won Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1977 | Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea |
1976 | Shino Gallery(M.M. Shino), Los Angeles, USA |
1974 | Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Shino Gallery(M.M. Shino), Los Angeles, USA |
1970 | Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, Japan |
1964 | Gallery of Press Center, Seoul, Korea |
GROUP Exhibitions
2024 | IMAGINE, Perrotin Gallery, Seoul, Korea Korean Embroidery in Modern Times: The Birds Trying to Catch the Sun, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea |
2023 | Raise The Waves, National Maritime Museum of Korea, Busan, Korea Romance Rooted in Eternity: Flowers in Bloom, Jeonnam Museum of Art, Gwangyang, Korea |
2022 | Prayer for Life, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea, Gwacheon, Korea |
2019 | Johyun 30, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea |
2016 | Whanki Museum, Seoul, Korea Ehwa Museum, Seoul, Korea |
2014 | Kumho Museum, Seoul Flower, Flower, Flower Exhibition, Gallery LeeBae, Busan, Korea |
2013 | Korean Contemporary Art exhibition, Ulsan Culture and Arts Center, Ulsan Colourful Korea Exhibition, Parkryusook Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
2012 | Korean Archetyp, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea |
2011 | Ulsan Culture and Arts Center, Ulsan, Korea |
2010 | 2010 At the Centre of Korean Contemporary Art, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul Kim Chong Hak, Yun Kwang Jo, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea |
2009 | Gyeonghuigung Annex building of the Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea |
2008 | Good Morning, Mr. Nam June PAIK, The Korean Cultural Service of London, London, UK |
2005 | Flowers and Birds, Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea Modern & Contemporary Masters, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea |
2003 | Lighting of Korean Contemporary Art: Gallery Yeh 25th Anniversary, Gallery Yeh, Seoul |
2002 | Two Artists : Kim Chong Hak, Itami Jun, Fukuoka, Japan |
1999 | Three Artists : Kim Chong Hak, Kwak hun, Kim Woong, Gallery Yeh, Seoul, Korea FIAC, Gallery Hyundai, Paris, France |
1993 | NICAF, Parkryusook Gallery, Yokohama, Japan Vision in Between, New York, Tokyo, Taiwan, Seoul, Korea |
1990 | Four Artists : Kim Chong Hak, Oh Sufan, Shim Moon-sup, Lee Young-Hak, Parkruysook Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1989 | Exhibition organized by the City of Seoul, Seoul, Korea |
1988 | Korean Contemporary Art in Olympic Park, Seoul Exhibition organized by the City of Seoul, Seoul, Korea |
1986 | Kim Chong Hak and Kim Woong, Gallery Yeh, Seoul, Korea |
1984 | National Museum of Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Seoul, Korea |
1983 | National Museum of Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Seoul, Korea |
1982 | Hugo Print Biennial, Yugoslavia |
1981 | Korean Culture and Arts Foundation Print Invitational Exhibition, Fine Arts Center, Seoul, Artists Today, Fine Arts Center, Seoul, Korea Korean Art 81, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul The 30th National Art Contest, Guest of Honor, Seoul, Korea |
1980 | Korean Contemporary Prints Association Exhibition, Seoul, Korea |
1979 | Korean Contemporary Print, ADI Gallery, San Francisco, USA New York Art Expo, New York, USA |
1978 | East Coast Korean Artists, Asia Cultural Center, New York, USA |
1977 | The 26th National Art Contest, Guest of Honor, Seoul Important Korean Artists, Chinese Historical Museum, Taiwan |
1976 | Los Angeles Exhibition of Print, Los Angeles, USA The 25thNational Exhibition of Recommended Artists, Seoul, Korea Modern International Print Exhibition, Korea Publishing Cultural Center Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1975 | The 24th National Exhibition Recommended Artists, Seoul, Korea 13th Sao Paulo Biennale, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
1974 | Seoul Exhibition 74, Han Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
1973 | The 12thSao Paulo Biennale, Brazil Contemporary Art 73 years ago, Myeongdong Art Gallery,Seoul, Korea Seoul Invitational Exhibition of 13, SignumArt Gallery, Japan |
1972 | The 2nd Seoul International Print Biennale, the Dong-A Daily News, Seoul, Korea |
1970 | An Open Air Exhibition of Japanese Contemporary Artists, Godomokuni Garden, Japan Contemporary Korean Art, India, Afghanistan, Nepal |
1969 | The First International Biennial Copperplate Print, Buenos Aires |
1968 | Korea Contemporary Painting, National Museum of Modern Art of Tokyo, Japan Contemporary Printmakers Association, Shinsegae Gallery, Seoul, Korea The 9th International Biennial of Tokyo, Tokyo 1966 Tokyo International Print Biennial, Tokyo |
1965 | Ten Important Artists, Tokyo Modern Art Museum, Tokyo The 4th Paris Biennale, Seoul, Modern Western Painting South Korea, the Joong-ang Newpaper Co., Seoul, Korea |
1964 | 5th Paris Biennale, Paris Korea Youth Artists, Lambert Gallery, Paris The 2nd Actuel, Gyeongbok Palace Museum, Seoul, Korea |
1963 | Prints Exhibition, Seoul, Korea |
1962 | Exhibition of Actuel Foundation, Gallery of Gyeong-Bok Palace, Seoul, Korea |
1960 | The 1th Exhibition of 60’s Artists Association, Deoksu Palace Stonewall, Seoul, Korea |
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea National Museum of Korea, Korea National Folk Museum of Korea, Korea Seoul Museum of Art, Korea Busan Museum of Art, Korea Leeum. Samsung Museum of Art, Korea Museum of Art Seoul national university, Korea Ehwa Museum, Korea Museum San, Korea |
1937 | 평안북도 신의주 출생 |
1962 | 서울대학교 미술대학 회화과 졸업 |
1968 | 동경미술대학 서양화 판화과 연수 |
1977 | 프랫 대학원 그래픽 센터 연수 |
2024 | 김종학:사람이 꽃이다, 현대화랑, 서울, 한국 |
2022 | 여름, 조현화랑, 부산, 한국 가을, 갤러리2, 중선농원, 제주, 한국 봄, 조현화랑, 부산, 한국 겨울, 갤러리2, 평창동, 서울, 한국 |
2020 | 인물전, 조현화랑, 부산, 한국 김종학-한국현대미술작가조명lll, 부산시립미술관 |
2019 | 페로탕 갤러리, 파리, 프랑스 아트바젤 홍콩, 조현화랑, 홍콩 |
2018 | Pandemonium, 조현화랑, 부산 기메 뮤지엄, 파리, 프랑스 토미오 코야마 갤러리, 도쿄, 일본 |
2016 | 생동, 조현화랑, 부산 |
2015 | 설경전, 조현화랑, 부산 ‘창작의 열쇠’전, 서울시립 남서울생활미술관, 서울 |
2013 | ‘바라보다-목안,보자기’전, 조현화랑, 부산 ‘진정(眞情)-김종학 희수’전, 갤러리 현대, 서울 |
2012 | 김종학의 다정, 갤러리 현대, 서울 |
2011 | 회고전, 국립현대미술관, 과천 |
2008 | 예화랑, 서울 |
2007 | 조현화랑, 부산 |
2006 | 가나아트센터, 서울 |
2004 | 갤러리현대, 서울 |
2003 | 예화랑, 서울 |
2001 | 박여숙화랑, 서울 |
1999 | 조현화랑, 부산 |
1998 | 갤러리현대, 서울 |
1994 | 삼풍갤러리-박여숙화랑, 서울 |
1992 | 박여숙화랑, 서울 예화랑, 서울 |
1990 | 선화랑, 서울 |
1988 | 박여숙화랑, 서울 |
1987 | 선화랑, 서울 |
1985 | 원화랑, 서울 |
1977 | 갤러리현대, 서울 M. M. Shino Gallery, 로스엔젤레스 |
1974 | 무라마쯔화랑, 동경 |
1970 | 무라마쯔화랑, 동경 |
1964 | 신문회관화랑, 서울 |
2024 | 상상하다, 페로탕, 서울 한국 근현대 자수: 태양을 잡으려는 새들, 국립현대미술관, 덕수궁 |
2023 | 파란, 일으키다, 국립해양박물관, 부산 영원, 낭만, 꽃, 전남도립미술관, 광양 |
2022 | 생의 찬미, 국립현대미술관, 과천, 경기도 |
2016 | 더 뮤즈, 김향안의 이야기, 환기미술관, 서울 130주년 특별 기획전시 <인연>초대전, 이화박물관, 서울 |
2014 | ‘경계의 회화’전, 금호미술관, 서울 ‘Flower, Flower, Flower’전, 갤러리이배, 부산 |
2013 | 한국 현대미술 특별전, 울산문화예술회관, 울산 ‘컬러풀 코리아’전, 박여숙화랑, 서울 |
2011 | 한국 미술 거장전, 울산문화예술회관, 울산 |
2010 | 2010 한국 현대미술의 중심에서, 갤러리현대, 서울 |
2009 | 아름다운 세상을 부탁해, 서울시립미술관 경희궁 분관, 서울 |
2008 | Good Morning, Mr. Nam June PAIK, 런던한국문화원, 런던 |
2005 | 2005 서울미술대전-회화, 서울시립미술관, 서울 |
2003 | 한국현대미술 조명: 예화랑 개관 25주년 기념전시, 예화랑, 서울 |
1999 | 3인전: 곽훈, 김웅, 김종학, 예화랑, 서울 |
1993 | Vision in Between, 뉴욕; 도쿄, 타이페이, 서울 |
1990 | 4인전, 박여숙화랑, 서울 |
1989 | 서울시 초대전 |
1988 | 서울 올림픽 한국 현대 미술전, 서울시 초대전 |
1986 | 2인전, 예화랑, 서울 |
1984 | 국립현대미술관 초대전 |
1983 | 국립현대미술관 초대전 |
1982 | 유고 판화 비엔날레 |
1981 | 문예진흥원 판화초대전 오늘의 작가전 한국 미술 81년전 국전(30회) 추천작가 |
1980 | 한국현대 판화 협회전 |
동양미술박물관-기메, 파리, 프랑스 국립현대미술관 국립중앙박물관 국립민속박물관 서울시립미술관 부산시립미술관 리움 삼성미술관 서울대학교 미술관 이화박물관 뮤지엄산 |